
Web3Wallet SDK is a toolkit that helps wallets connect to thousands of web3 apps across hundreds of chains. It supports transaction signing, smart contract interactions WalletConnect

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Setting Up Wallet Connect

1. Download a Wallet Connect-Compatible Wallet: Start by downloading a mobile wallet that supports the Wallet Connect protocol. Popular options include Trust Wallet, MetaMask Mobile, and Rainbow Wallet.

2. Open Your Wallet App: Launch the wallet app on your mobile device and navigate to the settings or options menu.

3. Find Wallet Connect Option: Look for the option to connect or enable Wallet Connect within the settings menu of your wallet app.

4. Enable Wallet Connect: Enable Wallet Connect by toggling the switch or following the prompts provided in your wallet app.

5. Scan QR Code: Once Wallet Connect is enabled, you will be prompted to scan a QR code with your mobile device.

6. Open dApp on Your Desktop: On your desktop or laptop computer, open the dApp that you want to connect to your mobile wallet.

7. Find Wallet Connect Option in dApp: Look for the option to connect your wallet within the settings or account menu of the dApp.

8. Scan QR Code: Select the Wallet Connect option and scan the QR code displayed on the dApp with your mobile device.

9. Confirm Connection: After scanning the QR code, your wallet app will prompt you to confirm the connection. Review the details and confirm to establish the connection.

10. Start Using Wallet Connect: Once the connection is established, you can start using Wallet Connect to securely interact with the dApp. Sign transactions, access decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and more directly from your mobile wallet.

Last updated